Monday, April 23, 2012

Pit Hole

This was something of a collaboration between myself, my mother, and miscommunication. Various things in the house needed to get used up, we never really decided on a singe way to go, so mom started one way and I used what she had started with to reach an acceptable conclusion. This recipie was made for a person who hates black pepper, it’ll probably turn out better in future if you use black pepper instead of red pepper flakes.

Take one onion, a bunch of garlic, some fresh dill, a tomato, a chilli pepper, and put them into a food processor until they resemble something you might think about putting in a meatloaf. Set aside.

Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Take a pound of ground meet and place in the cookie sheet. Push down with your hands so it is a rectangle in the pan, then cover the whole cookie sheet with plastic wrap. Get a rolling pin and roll out the meat so it completely fills the bottom of the cookie sheet in a very very thin layer. Remove the plastic, and sprinkle with salt, garlic and onion powder, and allspice. Now, take the aluminum foil and fold the meat in half, and then use the plastic wrap and rolling pin to even out the meat on one half the cookie sheet. Take a large knife or pizza cutter and divide into six squares. Sprinkle with salt and red pepper flakes.

Preheat a cast iron or stainless steal pan. Spray with olive or canola oil, and then melt a small pat of butter. when the butter has foamed out, start adding your patties, being sure not to overcrowd the pan. Cover, and cook two minutes per side. When all the batches are done, cover and set aside. Meanwhile…

Dice 3 or 4 mushrooms finely and add to the still hot pan with a bit more butter. When the mushrooms start to take on a bit of color add a quarter cup of the veggie mixture and saute. When they veggies have started to take on some color, add about a half cup of rum. Careful of the fire that might happen. Deglaze the pan. Add about a cup of milk. You may want to thicken with some cornstarch or rice flour. If you are thinking ahead make a roux, if not don’t worry about it. Bring to a simmer to let the starches tighten up the sauce, then add a shot of Pernod. Meanwhile…

Make a box of angel hair. Drain and place in a large bowl with some oil, and toss to avoid clumping. Serve the patties over the angel hair, covered with the pan sauce. Meanwhile…

Pour some lemon juice into a small bowl or saucer. Slice and avacado in half and remove the seed thusly.

Take a small brush and coat the exposed flesh with lemon juice. Spoon enough veggies into the pit hole to form a small mound the same shape as the pit that had been in the pit hole.

Pit hole.

Its fun to say. Say pit hole.

Say it out loud.

Are you alone? Cumon. No one cares if you say it. We’re all friends here. Say pit hole. You think you’re better than us? You think we’re all silly, saying pit hole? I don’t know if I can finish this unless you say pit hole. I won’t help someone who thinks they’re better than me. Just do it. You’ll be glad you did. It will make up for that one time you wouldn’t go along with that joke at that party and everyone thought you were kind of boring and you blushed really bad and went back to your room and cried. So go on. Just say Pit Hole and we can all move on.

Anyway, drizzle with your favorite oil, I like toasted sesame oil personally, and a little salt and pepper. Serve with the angel hair stuff and enjoy!

Pit Hole.

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